How Has COVID-19 Impacted The Way We Job Search?

With the current pandemic still playing havoc with the economy in the United States, changes are obvious throughout the business world. The simple practice of searching for a job is one area with significant differences due to COVID-19. One example is the increased use of remote interviewing as companies continue to leverage work from home policies.

Let’s take a closer look at what other changes are impacting the job search process because of the Coronavirus. This is valuable information if you are currently looking for work, or plan to do so in the future. In the end, being aware and prepared with the right search strategy ensures you will find a great new technology position.

Improve Your Networking Efforts

A strong professional network helps immeasurably during normal times, but it becomes especially important when encountering a difficult job market. In this era of COVID-19, leveraging your online network is essential. Reach out to connections on LinkedIn and other web-based resources to find out about great open IT positions. Companies are also using online sources to find the candidates they need.

Also, pay attention to any virtual networking opportunities. Many trade conferences are hosting online versions of their events due to the pandemic. This provides an easy opportunity to learn new technologies and add contacts to your professional network.

Research and Focus on The Companies Where You Want to Work

During a pandemic, simply sending résumés to a myriad of companies isn’t the right approach. Instead, spend time researching companies doing the technical work that interests you with an eye towards a focused search effort. Also, try to determine their office culture, as making a good fit in this regard is vital for your professional happiness. Your network is a great resource for finding out this information.

Also, remember that many companies are embracing the work from home model – potentially on a permanent basis. This means additional companies are now options for your career path. At the same time, these organizations enjoy a wider talent pool whenever they need to fill a position.

Ensure You are Prepared for Remote Interviewing

Expect to take part in remote interviews when searching for work during a pandemic. Treat each interview in a similar manner as its in-person equivalent – dress professionally, research the company in question, and study your own professional background. Additionally, make sure your webcam and other videoconferencing technology are in good working order before the interview.

If you need advice on your technology job search, speak with the expert recruiters at Digital Prospectors. As one of the top IT staffing agencies in Boston, we know the companies looking for talented candidates. Connect with us soon!

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