Java Interview Questions and How to Answer Them!

Even after over two decades in the tech industry, Java remains one of the most popular programming languages. It gets used in a variety of scenarios – everything from interactive websites to Android mobile apps. This wide usage means the demand for experienced Java programmers is as high as ever.

When you are on a technical interview for a Java position, a deep dive into your skills with the language is likely. Here’s a quick guide on some of the more common questions to help you better prepare. Good luck!

Describe the Differences between the JRE, JDK, and JVM

If you are a veteran Java developer, this question won’t likely get asked, but it serves well in determining the basic knowledge of someone new to the language. The JRE is the Java Runtime Environment, which executes the byte code of a Java program. Essentially, it’s a runtime instance of a JVM, which stands for Java Virtual Machine.

On the other hand, the Java Development Kit (JDK) is a suite of programs and libraries used to compile, document, and package Java applications for deployment.

What are Java Constructors?

A constructor is a routine that gets executed whenever an object is instantiated. They are common in all object-oriented languages, including Java, C++, and C#. Once again, this is another basic question likely to be asked of someone new to programming.

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Detail Your Experiences using JDBC

JDBC is a library commonly used to connect to databases within a Java application. Expect an interviewer to ask an open question or two on the topic. They might want you to detail the steps for establishing a database connection, or how to execute simple CRUD statements on the database.

In short, make sure you study basic JDBC concepts the night before your interview, even if you are an experienced developer.

What is Spring?

In this instance, Spring is not the season, but a framework used to create full web applications on top of the Java Enterprise Edition (EE) platform. Once again, this topic offers the potential for open-ended questioning. Expect to be asked about some of the most-widely used Spring modules, like Spring ORM for object-relational mapping or Spring MVC for the model-view-controller pattern.

Experienced Java programmers should already understand ORM and MVC so don’t be surprised when the interviewer using Spring questions as lead-ins to explore your understanding of these topics.

Talk with the Experts

If you need advice on finding a great new programming job, speak with the experienced recruiters at Digital Prospectors. As one of the top IT staffing agencies in Boston, we know the companies looking for talented pros like you. Connect with our top tech recruiters today!

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